Republic of the Philippines
Philippine Center, Level 1, 27-33 Wentworth Avenue Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia Email: sydney.pcg@dfa.gov.ph +61415426400 SMS ONLY PLEASE
Downloadable Forms
Please fill up the forms with BLACK ink and PRINT all the forms and attachments
PASSPORT (fill with black ink only)
CIVIL REGISTRY (fill with black ink only)
* Forms are fillable. Click in the box where you want to make changes/ modifications
DUAL CITIZENSHIP (fill with black ink only)
NOTARIAL (fill with black ink only)
Affidavit of Support / Invitation for 2 Principals
Affidavit of Support and Consent for Children to Travel (Accompanied) to Australia
Affidavit of Support and Consent for Children to Travel (Accompanied) to Australia for 2 Principals
Affidavit of Support and Consent for Children to Travel (Unaccompanied) to Australia
Affidavit of Support and Parental Consent with Special Power of Attorney
Affidavit of Renunciation of Philippine Citizenship Form for RA9225 - Dual Citizens
Affidavit of Renunciation of Philippine Citizenship Form for NON RA9225
Overseas Voter Registration