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Doing Business in PH

Make it happen in the Philippines


The Make it Happen Campaign is the Philippines new international investments promotion campaign which aims to attract foreign direct investments to the Philippines by highlighting its potential as an ideal business destination in Asia.


The campaign reinforces the country's highly skilled, resilient human resource and "make-it-work" mindset, underlining its strength and adaptability even in times of adversity. This mindset is what makes the Philippines a unique and attractive investment landscape for strategic sectors in the ASEAN region for foreign investors. 

Watch this video about the Make it Happen in the Philippines

Find out more about this campaign, including the key industries being promoted and discover how the country can ably support the relocation or expansion of your business in the Philippines -

Doing Business in the Philippines

The Philippines was the 3rd the fastest growing economy in Asia prior to the coronavirus pandemic growing at an average of 6.6% over the period 2016-2109. Boasting a positive outlook from international credit rating agencies such as US-based S&P Global Ratings which sees the Philippine economy rebounding with a growth of 9.6% in 2021 and 7.6% in 2022, there has never been a better time to do business in the Philippines.
This page provides useful information and links for investors on the requirements & procedures for Doing Business in the Philippines. A link to the FAQs and business process may also be downloaded below:

Doing Business in the Philippines FAQ

Doing Business in the Philippines (Presentation)

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